6 Beautiful Beach You Should Visit in Yogyakarta

Beautiful Beach in Yogyakarta

If you have a vacation in Indonesia, especially in Yogyakarta. You must visit the beach area.

Beautiful Beach in Yogyakarta
Beautiful Beach in Yogyakarta
“A day at the beach” means different things to different people. Many foreigners immediately think of basking in the sun's rays, working on their holiday tans, and rollicking in the surf. The Javanese are more likely to think of Java's southern beaches as a place to meditate, give offerings and perform ceremonies. To fishermen and their families, the sea is their workplace.
Regardless of which type you are, the shoreline south of Jogja has a beach for every taste. Only Baron has a safe swimming lagoon and most of the beaches have black or gray lava sand instead of the tropical pristine white. But many offer freshly caught fish and food stalls standing by to cook them to suit your tastes.

The Glagah Beach, from Lagoon Scenery to Agro Tourism
The Glagah Beach, from Lagoon Scenery to Agro Tourism

The Glagah Beach, from Lagoon Scenery to Agro Tourism

The first location to get best view of the coastal area is the one that is planned to become a harbor in the future. You will find the place when you follow a 'PP' sign at the fist turn after the ticket post. The full-of-harmony meeting point between the river stream and the ocean waves can be seen by climbing to the view post in the location.
From the first location to some hundreds meters westwards, you can find a loog with the water flowing to the river estuary. This lagoon divides the coastal area into two, the one with coastal plants and weeds and the other place with the sand dune that directly borders on the sea. You can cross to the sand dune area through a connecting bridge that is located close to the river estuary.

Ngobaran Beach, from Temple to Fried Sea Urchin
Ngobaran Beach, from Temple to Fried Sea Urchin

Ngobaran Beach, from Temple to Fried Sea Urchin

What you will not find in other beaches is the cultural enchantment, ranging from the building to the local food. One interesting place is four praying places that stand side by side. Is it form of multiculturalism? Who knows.
The most prominent one is a building that looks like a temple with ornaments of god statues in white color. The building was built in 2003 to commemorate the arrival of Brawijaya V, one of Majapahit's king, in Ngobaran. The people who use the place are of Kejawan belief. The name 'Kejawan' originates from the nickname of Brawijaya V's son, namely Bondhan Kejawan. The person who built the building acknowledge to be the descendant of Brawijaya V and appointed one person in the community to keep this place.

Parangtritis Beach, The Most Popular Beach in Yogyakarta
Parangtritis Beach, The Most Popular Beach in Yogyakarta

Parangtritis Beach, The Most Popular Beach in Yogyakarta

Parangtritis Beach is very closely related to the legend of Ratu Kidul (Queen of South). Many Javanese people believe that Parangtritis Beach is the gate of Ratu Kidul’s magical kingdom who controls the southern sea. Hotel Queen of the South is a luxurious resort that is named according to this the legend. Unfortunately the resort is now rarely, whereas it used to have a view that could make us breathless.

Sepanjang, The Old Kuta Beach
Sepanjang, The Old Kuta Beach

Sepanjang, The Old Kuta Beach

The natural atmosphere makes Sepanjang Beach superior to Kuta Beach. Sepanjang does not offer such cliché things as beach café and luxurious cottages, but closeness to nature. You can still dig out coral reef to find mollusk and starfish (Echinodermata). You can also pull out seaweed from the coral. However, you must be careful in order not to stick the sea urchin's spines. You will not find those all in Kuta, will you?
The community sticks firmly to the coastal culture. No permanent buildings alongside the beach, only some huts where local people are living. Still on the coastal area, there is field where people plant soy bean. The slope beach that is directly dashed by waves prevents people from going to sea. Looking at the back, there are two hills on which valley where people plant corn as their main food. The land on top of the hill has been bought by an investor to make villa where visitors can stay.

Parangkusumo, the Love Beach in Yogyakarta
Parangkusumo, the Love Beach in Yogyakarta

Parangkusumo, the Love Beach in Yogyakarta

The meeting between the two authorities had influence on the relationship between Yogyakarta Kingdom and Bale Sokodhomas Kingdom. It began when Senopati was perfecting his supernatural powers by doing the ritual of tapa ngeli or carrying himself away in the river. Arriving at a certain phase of his meditation, suddenly there was storm on the beach, trees were yanked out by its roots, the seawater was boiling and fish were thrown to the land.
The occurrence compelled the Queen of the South to show up on the surface of the ocean to see Senopati. Senopati expressed his ideal to govern Mataram and asked the Queen of South for her help. The Queen promised him the help with the conditions that Senopati and his descendants would be willing to become her husbands. Senopati took the conditions with the request that the marriage should not bear children.

Indrayanti Beach, A Clean Beach with Cafe Restaurants
Indrayanti Beach, A Clean Beach with Cafe Restaurants

Indrayanti Beach, A Clean Beach with Cafe Restaurants

Mentioning the name of Indrayanti Beach ealier got a lot of controversy. Indrayanti is not the name of the beach, but the name of the cafe and restaurant owner. Since the name Indrayanti was displayed on the board of this beach cafe and restaurant, eventually people called this beach by the name of Indrayanti Beach. While the government named this beach as Pulang Syawal Beach. But the name of Indrayanti is more popular and more commonly known than Pulang Syawal. The involvement of private parties in the management of Indrayanti Beach apparently helped bring a positive impact. Unlike the other beaches that are rather dirty, the shoreline along Indrayanti Beach looks clean and free from rubbish. This is because the manager does not hesitate to impose a fine of Rp. 10,000 for each waste disposed by tourists carelessly. Therefore Indrayanti Beach becomes a comfortable place to visit.

Video Ride a Horse at Parangtritis Beach

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