How To Spell Yogyakarta - Yogyakarta, Jogja, Jogjakarta or Yogya?
Different people call Yogyakarta by different names such as Jogja, Jogjakarta, Yogya or even Djokdja. All those names make Yogyakarta sounds like a city with 1001 names.
Yogyakarta, Jogja, Jogjakarta or Yogya?
There are different names for
Yogyakarta. Senior citizens call it Ngayogyakarta; people from East Java and
Central Java name it Yogya or Yoja. Yogya is called Jogja in the slogan of
Jogja Never Ending Asia. Recently, there is another name: Djokdja. All of the
names refer to the same city. How could those various names for one city
There are at least 3 development
periods to be explained. The name Ngayogyakarta existed in 1755 when Mangkubumi
Prince whose title was Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I founded the Kingdom of
Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. The kingdom that was built on the Bering Forest area
was a realization of Giyanti Agreement done with Pakubuwono III from Surakarta.
It is unclear when the name
Yogyakarta first existed, whether it is a contraction of the name Ngayogyakarto
or because of other reasons. However, the name of Yogyakarta has been used
formally since the independence of Indonesia. When it became the capital of
Indonesia in 1949, this student city had been called Yogyakarta. Sri Sultan Hamengku
Buwono IX also used the name of Yogyakarta when he announced that this kingdom
is part of Indonesian Republic.
Some other names such as Yogja,
Jogja, Jogya and Yogya came afterwards. The variations may exist from different
pronunciation of people from different parts of Indonesia. Interestingly,
people will refer to the same area when they hear those different names.
For business purpose, the name of
Jogja becomes more popular and it is used in the slogan Jogja Never Ending
Asia. The slogan is intended to build the image of Yogyakarta as a tourism city
having great natural and culture enchantments. The reason to choose the name
'Jogja' is that the pronunciation of the word is relatively easy for most
people, including foreigners. Some institutions once replaced Yogyakarta with
With various spellings and
pronunciations, Yogyakarta is the only city with many variations of name.
Jakarta only has one variation: Jayakarta, while Bali does not have any other
name. Other tourism cities in the world such as Bangkok, Singapore, Cartagena,
or Venice do not seem to have variations; neither metropolitan cities such as
New York, Los Angeles, and London.
Now, you do not have to be
confused when you find someone writing the name of Yogyakarta city as the way
he spells it. When you browse in the Internet to find out more about this city,
you would better use the name Yogyakarta as it is the most commonly used in
writing. The second commonly used name is Jogja.
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